Shutter Opening status on Device Tiles

Hello everyone,

I have a question about the “devices” page of the Homey app.
Is there an option to see the opening status of all my roller shutters? It’s very inconvenient to have to click on each icon to know the status of the roller shutter.

However, the Google Home app does it very well. We see the entire installation at once:

Thanks !

PS : I use Homey Bridge

(I’m French, sorry for my English Google Translate…)

Hello, bonsoir,

In the smartphone app, longpress the device tile, hit the cogwheel and select an other status indicator (if it is made available with your device / app).

Unfortunately it depends of app.
Some devices giving back possibility to use opening status as a status indicator - someone not.
For example my Qubino Flush Shutter havin’ only Energy, Power and None.

So, the best solution seems to bug app developers of Your device


Unfortunately the app doesn’t give me this choice. I only have “power” or “energy”.
So I will call on the developers

@Kinder333, in the Ideas & Suggestions section of the forum there is already a topic regarding this feature. You can participate in this discussion, like the first post with a heart for a higher priority and contact the app developer and/or Athom.

@Peter_Kawa, from what app or device are these screenshots?
Of course I don’t know every devices and apps for shutters, blinds and similar devices. But this is the first time I see percentage status for those devices in the device tile. So maybe it’s an Advanced Virtual Device?
Because @RonnyW wrote this information in the linked topic, I think that Athom has to change something to be able to display the percentage statuses.

The window covering capability is an enum list (capability with list of fixed IDs).
It’s not possible to select such capabilities as device indicator.
I asked Athom to add it (like a text indiator). But current state is, that it won’t be added (or Athom is not clear about it how to handle it).

Hello and thank you for your answer. I liked @RonnyW’s topic.
I contacted support and this was their answer :

Have you checked already if it’s possible in the WebApp?

In my case, I use Fibaro Walli Roller Shutter, it’s not possible:

Even if the information of the status (windowcoverings_set) is of course available:

(For info: 1 means 100 % / 0 means 0 %)

What I don’t know is if the device needs to be removed first and then re-added for this new feature (?) to become available.

On the web application, one can see all the positions on the global page.

Ok, in the big tile view the position it’s listed, for me too:


But this is a different view of the device tile and doesn’t have much to do with the view in the smartphone app. And this wasn’t what I tried to explain in my post before.

The question is, can the position of your shutter also be selected as a status indicator with a small device tile like it’s shown in Peters screenshot?


Btw, the position is also not shown in the list view.

No, I can’t select the positioning on the web app. I can only select Power or Energy.

Here is the support response:



Not relevant anymore, but I just to clarify:
It’s a ‘home assistant community app’ cover entity from a Tuya curtain motor.