Shelly dimmer 2 turns on by shelly

Hi, 2 of my shelly devices turned themself on tonight (Dimmer 2)
1 turned on at time 00:00
1 turned on at time 06:00
what should i be looking for?

Maybe you can check in the webinterface of the Shelly devices itself for a schedule

no schedules and no auto on/off

In your shelly app is a point in the menu called „activity“ or „activity protocol“

Maybe you will find there more details

all i can see is when its turned on and off
in Homey i can see who did it, and it says Shelly

Do you use this device in flows and or groups?

Try to delete the device in homey and check if this happens again - let the device out of your homey

You actually gave me an idea
My flow sets another light level at these timestamps
I will look into my flows

You are welcome

its actually when my flow sets a new light level it turns the light on.
funny thing is that homey says Shelly turned it on, when the another part of the flow turns it on it says Homey did it :smile: