Root privileges ssh experiment


How can I root privileges on the ssh experiment? I can not install Cups and edit /etc/hosts ….


It’s not mentioned:

Searching for root returns nothing

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Like with any other Linux distribution, using sudo.

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Thanks for your replies!

Nope. Sudo does not work.
I get this error: Can not resolve host homey-pro-sandbox: no address associated with hostname.
Because of this error I can not save changes to /etc/hosts, where I would solve this …

Any solutions?


That’s a warning, not an error, sudo works just fine:

$ sudo id
sudo: unable to resolve host homey-pro-sandbox: Name or service not known
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
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It does. But I get errors when I want to download and install packages. And I can not update the packagelist.

So it is useless … I only want to install cups.


It’s just a glorified Docker container so its use is limited anyway, and it’s still suffering from an issue that I reported to Athom months ago, namely that /tmp has the wrong permissions.

Try this:

sudo chmod 1777 /tmp

Then try again.

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Thanks for your support,

Now I was able to install Cups with Airprint.
But … I can not use it. I only have 20kb discspace …
So I can not print anything.


Homey isn’t a generic Linux computer, the SSH experiment is fun but useless. Just get a proper Raspberry Pi or something.


My PI is working fine. :slight_smile:


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