New test version published
Test version: 2.11.4
- Fixes for API changes at Ring
Recently notifications for motion and doorbell events has stoped working for several users and it turned out this was caused by some changes at Ring. In this test version a fix for those changes is applied.
Important: This is a preliminary test version, when you are not experiencing any problems there is no need to install this version. On the other hand, I have seen no negative impact in a situation without any issues, but no guarantee it won’t break anything!
When you do suffer from no longer receiving motion and doorbell events and are confident enough running a test version, please try the test version from the app store: Ring App for Homey | Homey
To make it work, it requires one additional step, resetting your authorised devices at Ring, please read and follow the instruction how to do that: How to: Fix notifications
And just to be sure, to cleanup caches and start fresh, please reboot Homey after all actions and wait until all apps are started before testing.
Please share your results here, please include your Homey- and firmware version.
(@Richard_Olde_Hartman @Joram_Bouman @Alfred_Gieltjes @theBen @Rocky_Lonigro @Julian_Borghuis @dferch @RemcoVa @Johan_Hindryckx @Mark1982)