Request: Plant widget

Hi all

I have a new widget request :slightly_smiling_face:

It could be really cool with a widget that could display the sensor values from plant related sensors like soil moisture, light, air humidity and nutrient levels from a given plant.

You would then add one instance of the widget for each plant.

In the widget you would be able to select plant type and this would ensure correct thumbnail and preferred levels so you can easily see if you need to water, move or feed the plant.

I came across this video that gives some nice inspirational ideas:

Remember to upvote this idea if you agree :grinning:

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Not sure which brand/make you have, but the Homey-app for my Xiaomi Mi Flora plant sensor provides such a widget:


Looks nice :slightly_smiling_face:

But it lacks some of the features I mentioned. It would be nice to see a Homey widget that has these features where you can select sensors from any connected soil moisture sensor device.

Just looked at the app you mentioned and it does not have a widget.

What app are you using for your sensor?

I am using that app :grinning:.

Apparently the app store does not indicate it has a widget.

@Koktail perhaps you could update the widget info of your app in the app store?

I have the following version installed:

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Enhanced Device Widget might be what you"re looking for.
The (now green colored) status widget is HTML, you can create what you like:

Flow card for status layout + data:

Status widget showcase:

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The DataVista app can be useful as well

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@Peter_Kawa: Nice of you to create examples of different options available. There is something for everyone :grinning:.

By the way: how did you manage to remove the refresh icon in the the Enhanced Device Widget’s status widget (top right hand corner)?

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Refresh icon is an option in the test version of the Enhanced Device Widget app

Thanks for the great input. Looks really nice, especially the DataVista variant :+1:

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