[Request] Opening apps from tiles

It can be very convinient to open an app from a tile in Dashboards.

For instance, you might want to browse your music with the Spotify app or add something to you shopping list app.

The way I do it now is by using Full Kiosk browser (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fullykiosk.singleapp) and “Dashboard Controller” (Dashboard Controller App til Homey | Homey). This app has a flow card that opens up an app. After 20 seconds of inactivity, I then close the app again in a flow, which then in turn displays the dashboard again.

This method has the added bonus of enabling tablet on/off in flows from something like a motion sensor.

After seeing the newest podcast and the Kiosk-mode-“spoiler”, I came to think that this might be something that could be incorporated in Dashboards itself, eliminating the need for the work-around.


I think it’s nicer to keep the dashboard simple and not cluddered up by search fields or dedicated search widgets for music.

The spotify and sonos apps have really good search functions that are familiar to most users and that are very intuitive. Having these apps be able to open up (and the automatically closing again after some idle time) would be a really nice feature.

+1 would like to use the Unifi Protect app to be able to speak to the mailman if not possible to do via widget