Reading value from Bosch device with HomeyScript

I’m trying to read the progress of my Bosch Washmachine with Homeyscript. With help of this forum i get it to this point:

I can read the alarm_contact value with the following commands : (faked id, don’t know if it’s private)

let BoschWashmachine = await Homey.devices.getDevice({id:'999999999-9999-9999-99999-999999999999'});
let BoschdoorOpen = BoschWashmachine.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact.value;

but i can’t get the capability Object Progress.
Here is the output of that part when i list the device:

capabilitiesObj: {
    alarm_contact: {
      value: true,
      lastUpdated: '2021-04-11T13:47:35.813Z',
      type: 'boolean',
      getable: true,
      setable: false,
      title: 'Door open',
      desc: 'Contact sensor, e.g. for windows (true/false)',
      units: null,
      id: 'alarm_contact',
      options: [Object],
      values: undefined
    'bshc_string.remaining_time': {
      value: '2:00',
      lastUpdated: '2021-04-11T13:39:01.600Z',
      type: 'string',
      getable: true,
      setable: true,
      title: 'Remaining time',
      desc: null,
      units: null,
      iconObj: [Object],
      id: 'bshc_string.remaining_time',
      options: [Object],
      values: undefined
    'bshc_string.progress': {
      value: '88%',
      lastUpdated: '2021-04-11T13:39:01.590Z',
      type: 'string',
      getable: true,
      setable: true,
      title: 'Program progress',
      desc: null,
      units: null,
      iconObj: [Object],
      id: 'bshc_string.progress',
      options: [Object],
      values: undefined



BoschWashmachine.capabilitiesObj['bshc_string.progress'].value then :stuck_out_tongue: (but he asked for the object, which is what my answer was providing)


Thank you, that worked and makes my day!