Raw configuration parameters, z-wave raw in flow card and Volume control Doorbell 6

After having changed a lot of things afterwards still through a (confusing) mistake I made for the rewrite of the Doorbell 6 / Siren 6, and a little life getting in the way not being able to finish the driver.

The implementation is now online in the test app (<- click, v3.0.10).

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Does it mean :baby:t4::baby_bottle:?

A lot of changes were released with the test version. Is it necessary to re-include the devices?

Ok, found out, that the Smart Switch 6 (ZW096) e.g. has to be re-included.

Naah, I wish :stuck_out_tongue: still single though.
Just busy with work and such.

I don’t have all the changes (codewise) Aeotec made in the app, so I can’t tell.

For the Siren and Doorbell it should work out of the box, tried to make it as backwards compatible as possible (with additional functions).

New functions:

  • Device settings for tone (including it’s settings) and volume on each of the 8 endpoints.
    On the first boot of the app it should retrieve the current values, so if you changed it already with raw values, it will display the current setting.
  • Device settings for all 7 light effects
  • Capability: Battery alarm, for each doorbell button (dynamic, no button included is no battery alarm).
  • Flow: Trigger for doorbell button (also dynamic).
  • Flow: Set tone and volume (including option to keep/use the current value).

Ah, okay… :joy: