Rain sensor

Merci pour votre réponse. Je m’en suis aussi rendu compte (après coup!).

Je l’utilise pour renvoyer un robot tondeuse au garage quand il commence à pleuvoir. Ça ne pose pas de problème s’il ne réagit qu’après que 0,3 mm de pluie soient tombés.

vous pouvez utiliser le app BUIENRADAR, qui donne un alert sans … minutes, donc sans pluviumètre.

Hello. How do you get a flow in Homey to tell it starts raining and stops raining. Can’t it just tell how much rainfall has come?

Simpel: The flow reports changes in the rain intensity. So when the sensor reports the first value that is not “0” I get the notification “It’s raining 0.3 mm” (or what ever number) which let me know that it started to rain. I then get notifications during the rain period each time the sensor changes value. When I get the notification “It’s raining 0 mm” I know that it has stopped raining. :+1:

Thx alot. I Will try that out.

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I do get quite a few notifications during a rain shower since the intensity usually changes a lot. This can be mitigated by adding to the programming of the flow. However, I quite like to see how the intensity changes.

I have the same for wind gusts, but there I have set the trigger for notification for gusts above 10 m/s. Anything lower than that will not trigger the notification, but everything above will.

It all comes down to getting notified if the weather might impact the house and/or the garden so I can react to potential flood risks or wind damage.