Question z-wave node columns

Troubles on the Z-Wave network there are 2 different columns more useful.

TX Error, this number should be 0 for mains powered devices, and very low for battery devices.
Any higher then it most likely is range issues or the (battery) device is still Secure (S0) (repairing it unsecure is highly recommended).

But the more important/best indicator for issues is RX (Receive), a number that is way higher then the rest of the devices without any reason (there are devices that have lots of capabilities like the Aeotec’s Multisensor 6/7 or their smart plugs, which sends lots of information).
As devices usually start sending lots of data ones there is an issue with the device itself, or something odd is going on with the connection.

Troubleshooting Z-Wave can be really annoying though, as it can be several (weird) issues.
Have yet to find a proper way to find issues more easily, even after 6 years.