Protected devices?

Would like to see a way to protect certain devices from (unintentionally) toggling/changing them through the devices view in the phone app. Could be a gate opener, smartplug for a waterheater, or similar.

Envisioning a property added to devices which makes it require a confirmation - face-id, pincode, OK-button, what-not - to change its state. With protection enabled, the device could be greyed out and/or have a padlock icon annotation, in the device view.

Maybe it exists, but I just havent found it yet?


Smart plugs and power outlets can be already protected against turning them OFF. Device → :gear: → Advanced settings → Energie - Always on - Yes/No

However, more or other protection possibilities for other devices would be great.

Thanks - that solves the immediate issue of unintentionally turning off the waterheater :cold_face:


Hello Thomanie,

I also looking for something like this.
I have a zwave - switch which opens my garage door.
This switch should be protected with a pin-code.

In Domoticz i could secure any device with this.

