I have a flow that starts my AC when temperature becomes grater than 26.9degrees.
This flow works only between 8:30 and 18:00.
My problem is that sometimes the temperature is already grater than 26.9 at 8:30 and the flow is not triggered. If I start it manually , the AC starts, the temp goes to the desired level and then, when it reaches 26.9 again, the flow starts.
— Temperature is higher than 26.9 °C
— Time is between 8:30 and 18:00
— Start AC
Instead of „Temperature changed“ you can also use a time card like „Every 5 minutes“. This card can lower the trigger rate of the flow. But how often the card „Temperature changed“ is triggered depends on the temperature device/app, the change of temperature and maybe on the settings of the temperature device/app.
Then you have the possibility to create a yes/no variable.
Let the flow set the variable to yes or no depending on the state of the AC.
You can then take the value of the variable as a condition.
I already have a yes/no variable but I didn’t know you can invert anything. I thought that if the inverted value is not available in the browser it doesn’t exist.
Thanks both!
The yes/no variable is used to turn off the AC automatically only if it’s started automatically. When the flow it’s started it creates a yes variable and when it’s stopped it sets that to no.
I do this because I want to have the option to turn on the AC and not be turned off by the automations.