[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

I confirm, rtsp is not supported. No simple library for play an rtsp stream, i tried with an user month ago.

Another good suggestion, added in next update :+1:

I think it is also not possible to use a link to Google Drive or OneDrive (?) in virtual camera

If the link is a public image it work

Tomorrow i release an update for optimize layout on tablet and other fixes.
When it ready make some screenshot!

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In curtains its vertical. Im thinking to add an option for change it

Now work?

yes, :+1:

it becomes a link like: https://drive.google.com/file/d/...........................................Cn/view?usp=drive_link so not image

Some time ago I tried the following to show Ring image in SmartDash app:

  • install 2 Homey apps: FTP client and Micro Web Server
  • customize advanced flow with 3 steps:
  1. get Ring snapshot
  2. save the image on your Homey
  3. Create URL for image

The only question is, that each image gets it’s own url (updated image contains the same url. Only after some time and after Homey reboot the url changes. I could save the url into a Homey variable. @diapolon Could this be a solution?

Could you tell the changes referring to the numbers of my suggestion list?


For font size it’s variable, i calc it by aspect ratio, in iphone 14 is 14px for example.
However, it is not a problem to add values of your choice.
7 is a good thing, need an icon more adeguate for it

Not possible to save the file with existing filename so URL will not change?

The ring app make the screenshot? Can homey return the image in base64?

The url can be valid for some time (I don’t know how long “some” is, done for security reasons?). I know for sure, that after reboot an url changes. I can test again if you are interested and @diapolon can confirm, that the url could be read from a Homey text variable to show the image. For example: I reboot my Homey every night.

Yes, Ring can make a snapshot (photo). Return the base64 to what? Variable or file or…?
I can test tomorrow.

Maybe it’s better to create a virtual device camera and setting by flow the url and modify the widget camera for access to This url

I just got this news letter
For your info, because you are working on RGB lights

Is it normal behavior that if I set:

.content .box {font-size: 25px}


.content .mdi { font-size: 25px }

The icon in the second example is smaller then in the box example? I have to set the px value much bigger in second example to get the same size.

Yes, this because .mdi has a font size too