[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

thanks i will check

Attention, latest build may stuck on startup if Homey has too many insights.
Coming release fix it

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v 0.231206.1

Fixed app stuck on startup if homey has too many insights

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also look at this link https://homey.solweb.no/advanced-api-usage/bearertoken

Or this method

Homey does not yet provide an access token, however you can obtain one with the following steps.

  1. Open https://developer.athom.com/
  2. Press Login
  3. Open the browser dev tools → F12 and switch to the Network tab
  4. Log in with your Homey mail and password You should find a Get request “api/manager/sessions/session/me” which contains you local homey ip address if you are in the local network. Request URL: “https://LOCAL-HOMEY-IP.homey.homeylocal.com/api/manager/sessions/session/me” There you should fine something like the following under Request Header “authorization: Bearer 888999-19fe-4fa0-9999-b32982499999:9c1a21da-1df4-9999-8594-46fd7e799999:c6d7b6096df10a5fd2d8888888ff447ff1ca0e9c”
  5. Use the whole token after Beaer in that case it would be “888999-19fe-4fa0-9999-b32982499999:9c1a21da-1df4-9999-8594-46fd7e799999:c6d7b6096df10a5fd2d8888888ff447ff1ca0e9c”
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Many thanks !
it’s working fine !

hi, what methods has work?

yes perfect

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v 0.231213.1

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v 0.231214.1

Added zone name on devices list

I would love to try this app. Thanks for developing it!

Two noob questions:

I understand I have to enter the url of my Homey (HP 2019). Is that the local ip including the port?
So, something like:

http://192.168.xx.xxx:xx ?

And I have to retrieve my bearer token. I have copied the script mentioned in this topic and one made by @robertklep. Both work but the outcome seems to result in two different bearer tokens.

I tried the Chome developer methode, but being on macOS, that works a bit different. Was hoping the scripts would help.

Hi, port is not necessary, you can insert :80 or nothing

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v 0.231216.1

Fixed regression on first startup

v 0.231218.1

Added experimental speaker widget. Need testing

Using the .68-version the clock has stopped (on the screensaver). Do not know if its some setting somewhere.

Is there a new download link for the NSPanel version, the old one seems to have been removed.

Again thanks for a great app!

You can update the nspanel version within the app settings. It’s no longer needed to install an apk after initial installation.

On nspanel go to info Page for update app

Need check this!

I get an error that apkupdater is not defined. Maybe something is missing in my config file.

Use this link Apk