[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

v 0.240202.1

  • Fixed regression when clicking widget buttons: now vibration, sound click and spinner are back.
  • Moved button for return to dashboard in bottom bar
  • On nspanelpro, when you go in info page the system automatically checks if there is an update

The forecast is in todo list :wink:
I’ll think about the other functionality!

This is awesome, i did not think about it!

For this,
you would like to insert the power measure into the thermostat widget?

Hello Ralf, did you find a solution to get a bearer token ?

It’s the third time i’ve to copy/past a new bearer to SmartDash since I installed it on my Sonoff (5 days ago)


1) Create this homeyscript:

const email = 'your_mail';
const password = 'your_password';
const client_id = '5a8d4ca6eb9f7a2c9d6ccf6d';
const client_secret = 'e3ace394af9f615857ceaa61b053f966ddcfb12a';
const redirect_url = 'http://localhost';
const cloudid = 'your_cloudid';

const between = function(str, strf, strt) {
    return str.split(strf).pop().split(strt)[0].trim();

const authurl = 'https://accounts.athom.com/login';

const response2 = await fetch(authurl, {
  'headers': {
    'accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
  'referrerPolicy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade',
  'body': 'email='+ encodeURIComponent(email) +'&password='+ encodeURIComponent(password) +'&otptoken=',
  'method': 'POST',
  'mode': 'cors',
  'credentials': 'omit'
const body2 = await response2.text();
const token = JSON.parse(body2);

const authorizeurl = 'https://accounts.athom.com/oauth2/authorise?client_id='+ client_id +'&redirect_uri='+ encodeURIComponent(redirect_url) +'&response_type=code&user_token='+ token.token;

const response3 = await fetch(authorizeurl, {
  'headers': {
  'method': 'GET',
  'mode': 'cors',
  'credentials': 'include'
const body3 = await response3.text();
let csrf = between(body3, 'name="_csrf" value="', '">');

let raw = response3.headers.raw()['set-cookie'];
let cookiecsrf = null;
raw.forEach(el => {
    let dc = el.split('=');
    if (dc[0] === '_csrf') cookiecsrf = dc[1];    

let cookie4 = '_csrf=' + cookiecsrf;

let authorizeurl2 = 'https://accounts.athom.com/authorise?client_id='+ client_id +'&redirect_uri='+ encodeURIComponent(redirect_url) +'&response_type=code&user_token='+ token.token;
const response4 = await fetch(authorizeurl2, {
  'headers': {
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'cookie': cookie4
  'redirect': 'manual',
  'body': 'resource=resource.homey.'+ cloudid +'&_csrf='+ csrf +'&allow=Allow',
  'method': 'POST',
  'mode': 'cors',
  'credentials': 'include'

const body4 = await response4.text();
let code = response4.headers.get('location').split('=')[1];

let tokenendpoint = 'https://api.athom.com/oauth2/token';
const response5 = await fetch(tokenendpoint, {
  'headers': {
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  'body': 'client_id='+ encodeURIComponent(client_id) +'&client_secret='+ encodeURIComponent(client_secret) + '&grant_type=authorization_code&code='+ encodeURIComponent(code),
  'method': 'POST',
  'mode': 'cors',
  'credentials': 'include'

const body5 = await response5.text();
let accesstoken = JSON.parse(body5);

let delegationEndpoint = 'https://api.athom.com/delegation/token?audience=homey';
const response6 = await fetch(delegationEndpoint, {
  'headers': {
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    'authorization': 'Bearer '+ accesstoken.access_token
  'referrerPolicy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade',
  'body': 'client_id='+ client_id +' &client_secret='+ client_secret +'&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token='+ accesstoken.refresh_token,
  'method': 'POST',
  'mode': 'cors',
  'credentials': 'include'

const body6 = await response6.json();

let endpoint7 = 'https://'+ cloudid +'.connect.athom.com/api/manager/users/login';

const response7 = await fetch(endpoint7, {
  'headers': {
    'content-type': 'application/json' 
  'body': JSON.stringify({ 'token': body6 }),
  'method': 'POST'

const body7 = await response7.json()
await tag('access_token', '{ "token": "'+ body7 +'"}');  
return true;

This homeyscript estract the bearer token and put it into a tag

2) Create a flow with call the homeyscript every day and put the token into a global variable

3) Create a flow for send the token in a local url (Is needed this app)

4) Test the result
If your homey ip is and in Local API you have set port 8066,
the result is a link like this that return a json

NOTE: client_id and client_secret are a test user, it can’t full access homey (here it is explained why insights don’t work)

Hey !
Thank you a lot !

It looks like it works for me :slight_smile:

Now I’ve to know how local api works :slight_smile:

now you can add this at end of homeyscript:

await tag('access_token', '{ "token": "'+ body7 +'"}');  

and you can create a flow like this

and a flow like this

if your homey ip is and with local api you have set port 8066,
the result is a link like this that return a json
I’m modifying SmartDash app to handle fetching the token automatically

Coming soon.
With new release you can insert an url for polling new token every hour.
Url return a json (from App Local API) where $token is your valid token



  1. So, I’ve added the line to the script:

  2. I’ve created a variable called “access_token”

  3. I’ve a flow named “Bearer” like this:

  4. I’ve installed and create a flow named “bearerSender” like this:

  5. I’ve configured LocalAPI like this:

My Homey’s IP is
My Sonoff’s IP is

Do I need to configure something else before your next release ?

you need enable cors and add * in it

Open and check il json has your token

Tomorrow i release the update for testing


Checking access:

I’ve tried with another port and it works !

Local API:

JSON respons:

OK perfect!
I have released nspanel pro version, check if it works (it may take some days to figure out if it works well)

Done !

I’ll give you a feedback !

Thank you a lot for your work !

v 0.240205.1

  • added method for auto retrieve bearer token (needed for Homey Pro 2016/19)

Damn,i think it’s unsolvable

You can remove 142 row

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