[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Hi there. I love the dashboard app. My NSPANEL is on the way. So I am testing on iOS for the moment.

One thing I want is a snapshot from my doorbell when the doorbell rings.
I did add a Virtual Camera with a refresh time of 1 minute.
For now I do get an images out of my Unifi Doorbell (https://ipadress/snap.jpeg) but:

  • it is not sized correctly in the dashboard. See screenshot.

  • It is not refreshed every minute. (see screen shot time vs time on image)

  • can you add a mechanism that the picture is updated when the status of the doorbell is ‘ringing’ ? Or by touching the image the image will be updated regardless to timer. So when the doorbell rings I can see directly (after touch) who is there. In stead of having to wait to the image is refreshed by the interval.

Thanks for all the good work !