No flows in timeline

I saw some screenshots with the option to see flows in the timeline. I dont have that option. Is this normal or is there something wrong?

There’s a Timeline card that allows you to add notifications.


Thanks for the reply. I know that, but i have like 40 differtent flows, most of them advanced with lots of cards and different outcomes, so do i manually need to add notifications to all of them?

After looking at this more closely it was a really stupid question, my apologisch. I was hoping timeline notifications where standard but like you said, they need to put in a flow as a card. Thanks!

For notifications you don’t need to read every day, but they’re useful for troubleshooting, you can use Simple Log app flow cards instead.
The advantage: there’s a script available which adds these cards to your (selection of) flows in one go!

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Thanks Peter! I wish i had knew that earlier :slight_smile: But good to know!

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No problem!

I’ve had that wish too many times in my life :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:
