Nexa AN 196 Z-wave double switch


I bought a Nexa AN 196 Z-wave switch which has two channels (Z-Wave AN-196 - NEXA). The Nexa app (Nexa App för Homey | Homey) has no support for Z-wave devices so I added this one as a generic Z-wave device in Homey. However, Homey is only adding one device which allows me to control channel 1, not channel 2.

Is there any way that a generic Z-wave device could add two devices so that I am able to control channel 2 of my Nexa AN 196?

Using Homey version 8.0.3.

Thanks for any help on this!

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No, that isn’t possible, it will need an app (added support) to be able to do that.

You should ask for adding it into the Everspring app

It is an Everspring device rebranded by Nexa.

Thanks for your advice! Did not know that. A request for support is made. Hoping…

Hi! did you manage to set your nexa an196 in Homey?
Wondering the same …
Thanks :slight_smile:

I bought an AN196 a couple of days ago.

I was able to download the everspring app from github, added the new device, added support for 2 channels + flow elements to switch on, off and toggle.

I guess I should share this patch somewhere, not sure how “production ready” it is, but I have it working at least.

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Great! Sounds so simple…

I am not very familiar with Github, but should you be able to make a Pull request with you modification and hopefully they will merge. But the Everspring app has not been touched for 2 years.


I gave it a try to add AN196 to the code, but no success yet.

I am new to this, so I am not really sure what I am doing, but what i did was:

  1. New AN196 driver folder and changed content of device.js. Anything else do be done here but replacing AN179 with AN196?
  2. Added new device to app.json as below.

I find the AN196 device and I am able to add the device to Homey. Controlling the first channel works fine. But no device for the second channel is added. What am I missing here?

Thanks for any help!

 "id": "AN196",
      "name": {
        "en": "AN196 Everspring In-Wall plug"
      "zwave": {
        "manufacturerId": 96,
        "productTypeId": 4,
        "productId": 14,
        "learnmode": {
          "image": "/drivers/AN196/assets/learnmode.svg",
          "instruction": {
            "en": "Press the link key three times within 1.5 seconds to put the unit into inclusion mode.",
            "nl": "Klik de link knop 3 keer binnen 1.5 sec om de unit in autoinclusion mode te zetten"
		  "isMultiChannelNode": true,
        "associationGroups": [
      "class": "socket",
      "capabilities": [
		"associationGroupsMultiChannel": [
	  "multiChannelNodes": {
		  "1": {
			"class": "socket",
			"capabilities": [
			"icon": "{{driverAssetsPath}}/icon.svg",
			"name": {
			  "en": "Right Switch",
			  "nl": "Rechter Schakelaar"
			"settings": []
      "images": {
        "large": "/drivers/AN196/assets/images/large.png",
        "small": "/drivers/AN196/assets/images/small.png"
      "settings": [
          "id": "remember_state",
          "type": "checkbox",
          "label": {
            "en": "Return to last known state after power loss",
            "nl": "Keer terug naar laatst bekende status bij spanningsuitval"
          "value": true,
          "hint": {
            "en": "After power loss the state of the relay will switch to last known.",
            "nl": "Schakel terug naar laatst bekende schakelstand na spanningsuitval"
          "id": "switching_type",
          "type": "dropdown",
          "label": {
            "en": "Switch 1 switching type",
            "nl": "Schakelaar 1 type"
          "value": "0",
          "values": [
              "id": "0",
              "label": {
                "en": "Single Pole Double Throw",
                "nl": "Single Pole Double Throw"
              "id": "1",
              "label": {
                "en": "Toggle switch",
                "nl": "Toggle switch"

A friend of mine has merged from FutureHome to Homey Bridge but has a challenge with channel 2 on Nexa AN 196. Using the Everspring app but still only channel 1 is working. According to the comments in this post it is solved? Thanks for any response.

Any news on how to implement the AN-196 2ch relay?

Still noone has a fix for this?