New v7 Mobile App - My Home Categories - (WIP, Future option, Soon(tm) )

Just saw these nice large buttons on top of de devices page on a screenshot of homey in AppStore.
Where how to get this? Any ideas?

The same was asked on slack (in multiple places),


So patience … I think Soon™

To centralize Questions around this: Renamed the Topic, I hope it will be found for everyone searching.
From: Noob question how to get these nice large buttons
To: New v7 Mobile App - My Home Categories - (WIP, Future option)

I have no information yet, but seeing the context of the “Large Buttons” I guess it will be Categories (Lights, Energy, Thermostats, Speaker) that will be shown. (Just Guessing)

Let’s see what Athom comes up with, And maybe nice to discuss options and wishes here.

Wishes: Symbols with live views, such as a rotating fan, heat or cold radiation at radiators or air conditioners, roller shutter open or closed and so on with possible options!

And speed improvement for the app. On a new Android tablet that I use as a dashboard, it takes at least 3 seconds to switch tabs


Moved to an existing topic, pls use search :sunglasses:

I really miss this kind of categories feature, hopefully it will be rolled out soon.

It is there! I got an update in testflight, now I have a “lights” button.

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Finally dark mode is back

Where is the setting for DarkMode?

…More > Appearance

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These ‘dashboards’ really complete homey imo. Lights already is awesome, but the climate and energy ones are really high on my wish list

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