Need help with capabilities -> listner


i really want to connect our heatpump to homey. Therefor i start my own ‘development’ . what means i try to learn and copy from other existing apps/integrations.
Today i can connect the modbus IP interface, i can read differrent registers. also i add to different capabilities. ( picker to set mode & thermostat to adjust settings.) but from this point i miss the examples, knoledge how to proceed.

the picker i can set another mode but i do not know how to ensure the picker gets the active value from the modbusregister. when i open the device the picker doesn’t show the active setting. are there examples available to find out how to configure this?

The same question for the thermostat. for this i also am looking for code that belongs to this UI (capabilitylister ) i guess.
Can somebody help me to proceed ?

Kind regards,

I just use the Modbus app and Advanced Virtual Device to display (and set) values. Works OK for me.

You will need to poll the registers to fetch the values and set them on the capability using setCapabilityValue(‘name_of_capability’, value).

You could use a timer to poll registers, e.g. homey.setInterval or homey.setTimeout.

Hello Adrian, or anyone els,

I have working all weekend to get it work and making some progress. however iám still struggling. i created an lister that registrate all changes. after using the picker i see the new vallue in the log. when i tried to write this new value to the right register it is not accepted. When using a modbus testtool i’am able to read and set the value by using FC 3 or FC 6.

I’am using code like below. do you have any idea how to solve this.

// Register capability listener for Operation_mode
this.registerCapabilityListener(‘Operation_mode’, async (value) => {
this.log(‘Changes to :’, value);
this.log(‘Modbus register to write to is:’, OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS);

  // Voeg een controle toe om te bevestigen dat de waarde geldig is

  // Lees de huidige waarde van het holding register
  try {
    const currentRegister = await this._client.readHoldingRegisters(OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS, 1);
    const currentValue = currentRegister.response._body.valuesAsBuffer.readUInt16BE(0);
    this.log(`Current value in register ${OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS} is: ${currentValue}`);
  } catch (error) {
    this.error(`Error reading current value from operation mode register: ${error.message}`);

  // Voeg een vertraging van 2 seconden toe
  await this.delay(2000);

  // Log de waarde en het adres die worden geschreven
  this.log(`Writing value ${value} to operation mode register at address ${OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS}`);

  // Schrijf de nieuwe waarde naar het Modbus-register
  try {
    const result = await this._client.writeSingleRegister(OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS, value);
    this.log(`Written value ${value} to operation mode register ${OPERATION_MODE_ADDRESS}`, result);
  } catch (error) {
    this.error(`Error writing to operation mode register: ${error.message}`);

