Mqtt Hub not showing values

Hi guys, need some clarification about Homie Convention and Mqtt Hub. I have made an java based program that is collecting data from different BLE sensors and sending to mosquitto with Homie Convention. I can create a device by Discovery with “measure_temperature” and “measure_humidity” and MQTT Hub finds them . But values are not updated in HP23. Any suggestions?

Or should I use the other option “Mqtt Device”?
When I try to use that I get an error “Another pair session is already active”
So where can I find more documentation ?

Best regs Taisto Onnela

You’re not providing a lot of details, so we can only guess.

Are you using the “MQTT Device” from the MQTT Hub app?

Hi sorry was just updating the post :slight_smile:

When i try the MQTT Device I get the error ““Another pair session is already active”” have restarted Homey, mosquitto etc…

Disovery works, but that is perhaps not what I should use ?

That usually happens when you switch apps on your phone, for instance to copy and paste credentials from one app to the Homey app. First copy the credentials, then create the new device.

Or create the new device through the web app:

Hmm I have only worked
on web so far. Will try logout/login from web then…
Still the same error
Trying another fresh browser

Seems to work just fine for me:

The “another pair session is already active” sounds like a web app issue (perhaps you have another tab open?). Try logging out and back in again.

If you can’t get it to work in the web app, try the mobile app.

Ok error disappeared after using another browser :slight_smile:
But what now ? What is next step ? Where do I define the topic etc ?
Looking for some button to get further. And I understand I should use “Thermostat”
Where can I find documentation? :thinking:


OK just found what confused me ! Buttons are not visible in the modal until mouseover, found that when i switched to darkmode.

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Tnx for your patients @ robertklep, this was very confusing and I think buttons should be more visible :slight_smile:
