MQTT Hub/Gateway

Is it possible to change the number of decimal on a MQTT water meter virtual device? I would like to change from 2 decimal to 4 decimals. When I create the Virtual device and select water meter I see that its stated with 2 decimal, but I am unable to select anything else.

“meter_water”: {
“capability”: “meter_water”,
“stateTopic”: “watermeter/main/value”,
“setTopic”: “”,
“valueTemplate”: “”,
“outputTemplate”: “”,
“displayName”: “Water Meter”
“measure_water”: {
“capability”: “measure_water”,
“stateTopic”: “watermeter/main/rate”,
“setTopic”: “”,
“valueTemplate”: “”,
“outputTemplate”: “”,
“displayName”: “Water flow”

i have the same i cant get fixed

“device_class”: “current”,
“unit_of_measurement”: “A”,
“value_template”: "{{ value | int / 10 }}

using “valueTemplate”: "A / 10 ",

but not working?

@HarriedeGroot could you support in decimal question above?

I have a feature request.

Is it possible to add a setting where you can choose if newly added devices (to Homey) should NOT default added enabled in the device list…

Currently all new devices are automatically enabled in the device list, I would like to see that the default would be NOT enabled and that i can choose myself to enable it.
So exactly the reverse as it is now.

I hope this can be added in a future update of the app.


Agreed, it’s one of the things which could be improved in this app: i.e. when I add a HA device to Homey, MQTT Hub immediately publishes the new HA Homey device to HA again :blush:

Also I’d like to be able to sort the devices list A-Z or new-old. Now it’s old-new, which is not optimal, every time I have to scroll all the way down to disable a new device.


I have MQTT Hub installed ony my Homey Pro 2023. It worked without problems since a long time. Now I have everytime the problem that the app crashed, since a few days. Does everyone has the same problem?

For me the same Problem… (HP23, latest FW)

When was Homey updated? I guess that’s related here

I updated my homey in august and then it worked without crash. Im not sure, but it could be that only one device makes the crash. But its not easy to find out which device.

I’m using the HP23 (latest stable FW) now with MQTT Hub.
The app is crashing every 5 to 10 minutes caused by high memory usage (>100MB).

Is it only caused by the amount of devices that get synced on app start? Or is it possible that flows or Hub devices are causing a high memory usage?

I had a lot of problems on HP23. The MQTT hub was sending a massive amount of devices to MQTT broker at start up. This caused the MQTT client to crash due to CPU usage and the MQTT hub due to memory usage.
Only every 10th ot 20th app start was running to the end.

As solution I added an app setting to the MQTT hub app to define a send delay (in ms). The possibility was already in the code, but nut customizeable via app settings.
This way the send process gets extended. It takes longer until all devices are synced, but the CPU load is nearly 0% instead of 100% before.

If someone has similar issues on HP23, this setting could help.

It’s documented in a pull request.

Hopefully @HarriedeGroot can find some time to merge and provide a test version :slight_smile:


Ik heb mijn Ithu HRU350 gekoppeld met mijn Homey MQTT Broker en Client nu probeer ik dit uit te lezen met de MQTT hub, maar deze geeft geen waarde door. Wat gaat hier mis?

Zie onderstaand log uit de client


Met deze code krijg ik geen temperaturen te zien. Blijft op 0 graden staan.


  "measure_temperature.1": {
    "capability": "measure_temperature",
    "stateTopic": "itho/ithostatus",
    "setTopic": "",
    "valueTemplate": "$.Supply temp",
    "outputTemplate": "",
    "displayName": "Temperatuur_in" 
  "measure_temperature.2": {
    "capability": "measure_temperature",
    "stateTopic": "itho/ithostatus",
    "setTopic": "",
    "valueTemplate": "$.Exhaust temp",
    "outputTemplate": "",
    "displayName": "Temperatuur_uit"

iemand een idee?
Alvast bedankt!

Hi @HarriedeGroot ,
the PR is still open. In the german forum, there are users with similar issues. So it would be nice if you could merge it and provide a test version. Many thanks and a happy new year :fireworks:

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Hi @HarriedeGroot,

I have a HP23 and have created a virtual device with the MQTT Hub, but it keeps stopping or crashing. To get it up and running again I sometimes have to stop all the apps and start them one by one.

I use it with an energy meter to load balance an EV charger.

Any suggestions on how to solve this?

Help is much appreciated :blush:

Hi @HarriedeGroot. I still have the same problem, may you could merge the PR @RonnyW suggested. ? :wink:




Today I updated my Home Assistant to the new version 2024.2.0. Now it shows me all MQTT names twice. In another forum I was told that this has something to do with the URL link below and that the Homey MQTT app needs to be updated. The topic was already announced in August 2023. Until then, the developers of the respective integrations had to make the adjustments.

This is the link:
PSA: MQTT Name changes in 2023.8 - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (

This is what it looks like for me:

I’m now back to 2024.1.6, everything looks normal:
Screenshot 2024-02-09 144625

Anyone else having this problem? How can I solve the problem?


I see the same issue as well.
From what I’ve read in the topic you shared, I understand the MQTT Hub app should get some adjustments, like:
only devices should hold the device name, the entities of these devices should not.

Unfortunately Harrie is quiet since August 7 '23…

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Hi Peter

Thank you for your answer. That means, you have the same issue? That means, Harrie must update the MQTT Hub App with this changes. But this are little change, as it looks like? And Harrie is quiet since 1/2 years :see_no_evil:. This changes are not possible to make from another developer?

What would you suggest?


Yes, same issue here.
While some PR’s also not seem to be approved yet, I think we should wait for Harrie at this time, or search other ways to contact him. Let’s hope he’s allright.

I hope, Harrie has soon time to fix it. It looks so weird with this 2 names like EG EG :see_no_evil: