MQTT Hub/Gateway

Hi! I just wanted to give a MASSIVE thank you for this app. It took me a whole weekend to figure it out by reading the forums but now that I have, it is just awesome being able to connect Homey to HA and run a custom dashboard. Really next level shit.

I have a question - is it possible for the system to work the other way around? i.e. populate Homey with devices currently only available in HA so that they can be used in flows? I wasn’t able to figure this out…

Yes, that’s also possible.

I’m also looking into this to automate the reverse case:


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Ah cool! Thanks for the links. Will do some reading this evening…

Thanks for pointing this out, @HarriedeGroot! I see it can even be installed from the Community Store for convenience:

I suppose I do not know enough of HA and MQTT (although I am currently designing a nice dashboard in HA) to interpret what would be the advantages of the MQTT streams…

Could you give a short description of what you would like to achieve by “automating the reverse case”?

Any news on this, @HarriedeGroot? Am I doing something wrong, is it just not possible or could I tweak the HA settings a bit to get it working?
Your help would be much appreciated!

@Henk_Renting What bug report are you referring to?

It’s not a bug report, @HarriedeGroot.
Just a question I posted above… :slight_smile:

@Henk_Renting I do not own a IKEA bulb, so its kind a hard to test :grimacing:.

I need some detailed info about what’s going wrong.
Which topics are available? How does the HA config look like in the /config topic?
What information is posted to the /set topic from HA?
Can you control the temperature from MQTT explorer by posting the correct value?
If yes, how should the temperature calculation be adjusted, whats the formula?

Harrie - just remind me … re incoming discovery to Homey.

Can your app discover into Homey from a HA MQTT discovery topic structure ?

Can your app discover into Homey from a homie topic structure ?

  • HA MQTT discovery => NO
  • Homie => YES

As far as I know is de HA MQTT discovery ‘read only’ to import devices into Home Assistant.
It’s not usable to control devices within HA.
Correct me if I’m wrong!

Guess we need the event stream or something to get it to work:

My MQTT app for Hubitat publishes in both HA and homie discovery formats but I didn’t see any options in your app to enable homie discovery into Homey but I’ll take another look.

I do accept that this is a somewhat ambitious option as the homie spec is lacking in defining devices at a higher level but thought I’d see what commonality Homey<>Hubitat might have via homie.

HA discovery does support control in that it defines the command topics and the templating to map values. However HA itself (selfishly) can not expose its own devices using the HA discovery protocol

Add device => MQTT Hub => Homie Discovery

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I’ll report back… he said with trepidation…

Version 3.3.0

MQTT Device additions:

  • allow the same capability to be added multiple times
  • provide a custom display name (capability title)
  • edit capabilities while creating a new MQTT Device

Available on the test channel:

Sample configuration with 3 buttons:

Version 3.3.1

MQTT Device: allow the same topic to be used for multiple capabilities.
Case: Use jsonPath to select the target value for each capability in a JSON message from the same topic.


hi @HarriedeGroot . i just performed a PTP of Homey hoping to sort out some issues i’ve been having with BLE beacons not tracking properly (it didn’t work!) and since booting back up something has gone wrong with my Homey/HA communication. Everything has populated into HA no issues, but nothing seems to happen when i try to turn on/off a light or activate a button. any idea what might have caused it? have tried restarting MQTT hub and gateway as well as the broker app in HA. not sure which log in need to be checking to diagnose the issue. any help is super appreciated :slight_smile:

edit: getting this error in the MQTT Broker log:

[19:57:42] INFO: No local user available
[19:57:42] INFO: Initialize Home Assistant Add-on services
[19:57:42] ERROR: Can’t setup Home Assistant service mqtt
[19:57:42] INFO: Initialize Home Assistant discovery
[19:57:42] INFO: Start Mosquitto daemon

The above is the broker log from HA?
The error seems to originate from HA.
Did you try restarting HA?

yes, it’s from the MQTT Broker in HA. Have tried restarting HA a few times. Things connect up fine. but then after 5 minutes or so the connection between Homey and HA is lost. Also, in the time that there is a connection, nothing is actually updated/useable i.e. sensors, switches, lights etc.

Do you see broker disconnected messages in the log of the mqtt cliënt app?
You can also test if the broker gets disconnected by building a simple flow with notifications if the broker (dis)connects. Maybe the wifi isn’t stable?