Motion Light Flow

Flow 1 to 4 is more or less a standard for my Light automatic.
Flow 5 and 6 to deactivate/ activate the automatic switch off.

Flow 1
When Motion alarm goes on
And light is off
Then switch light on

Flow 2
When motion alarm goes off
And Light is on
Then start Timer with 120s

Flow 3
When Timer reaches O
And no motion
Then switch light off
Start Timer with 120s

Flow 4
When light is switched on
And no motion
Then start timer with 120s

Flow 5
When S2 1-Klick
And Light is on
Then deactivate Flow 3
Deactivate Flow 3
And switch light on

Flow 6
When light switched off
And Flow 3 is deactivated
Then activate Flow 3

The same you can do to prevent the light to be switched on automatically.

Flow 5*
When S2 1-Klick
And Light is on
Then deactivate Flow 1
And switch light off
Deactivate Flow 1

Flow 6*
When light switched on
And Flow 1 is deactivated
Then activate Flow 1

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