Migration 2019 to 2023 - Z-Wave don't work

I just made migration from 2019 to 2023 Homey through a backup.
I have an issue with all my Z-Wave devices.

If I try to trigger a z-wave device, I get the error: Invalid node id.
In developer mode I haven’t any Z-Wave device.

Any hlp pls?

Thank you,

Make sure the ‘old’ Homey is turned off, and the 2023 model is sitting in the same spot; Also wait for while for the zwave mesh to build itself, can take a few hours.

If no result, I’d give this a go:
Reset Homey to factory defaults, then re-read the backup again.

Thank you for your advice.
Homey 2019 is turned off and sitting in the spot.
I’ve been waiting for three hours and I can’t see any of my Z-Wave devices. No Z-Wave.
I’ve re-paired the Zigbee and every work.

Have you tried a Pull-the-plug of the HP23?

Yes, I tried. I disconnected the power for 10 minutes and reconnected. Unfortunately, nothing changed.

Yeah, a 3 hours wait should’ve show some results.

Did you try this already?

Thank you. I tried to factory reset and load backup again and all Z-Wave devices work.

Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice to hear!

Z-Wave did not work, import of backup took quit long. But did factory reset and import for early version. In 5 min all z-wave devices where working again.
Thanks for the tip.

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