Looking for a zigbee rollershade motor for projectionscreen

Hi peeps,

I bought a new home cinema projector and like to project on a 270cm wide roller curtain.

There are more roller shade motors on the market, but the only one with zigbee I found that is compatible with Homey is the Aqara Smart Roller Shade Controller. Only problem with that one; you need to buy a accessory kit serperatly to install it, but those kits are nowhere to buy :man_shrugging:t3:

I also found this one; but I don’t think it’s compatible with Homey…

Do someone of you have have other suggestions? Max budget is €100,-.

These Tuya based zigbee curtain motors are supported by Tuya zigbee app.

To find out which is which, you can check this site, and search for “zemismart motor”:

For example, this is the last device in the listing:

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