Aqara smart roller shade controller


I would love to see the Aqara smart roller shade controller on the supported devices list :slight_smile:



Or is it already supported?

Best regards,

Maybe try the Brel motors app?

Hi Hugo,

Thanks for the tip!

At the moment I have this one:

Which is linked to the tuyasmart app (and google home).
But from the specs of the homey-tuya app these are not supported (and are difficult to add to homey).

So I am looking for a “no hassle” hardware replacement that integrates easy in homey.

The zemismart also has a 433Hz remote, so I will give the 433Hz Brel app a try.
Thanks for this tip :slight_smile:

Best regardd,

Following this. I would also love to see this controller supported!

Shameless plug from the app developer, not Aqara, but readily available: :smile:

I also would love to have this device supported! If someone knows a way to get this to work in Homey let me know :slight_smile: