Lights controled by motion sensor need to stay on for a set period of time and not go out during event

In talking to the GPTs with this prompt: Using a homeypro2023 controller, write an advanced flow where if the jasco shower light dimmer is turned on to a specified percentage level, the zooz ZEN72 800LR bath light dimmer that is controlled by a zooz ZSE11 motion sensor is turned on to 37% and will not turn off when promoted by the zooz ZSE11 motion sensor. However when the jasco shower light dimmer decreases from the initial specified percentage level, the zooz ZSE11 motion sensor will then be able to control the ZEN72 800 LR bath light dimmer function and allow the ZEN72 800 LR bath light to turn off.

I could do this in my old Homeseer system, but not able to recreate it in HomeyPro. Any ideas and tips would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

When motion-sensor on and shower-light-dimmer < 37% then dim shower-light-dimmer to 100%.
When motion-sensor off and shower-light-dimmer < 37% then shower-light-dimmer off.

Anders, thank you for the reply. Based on my version of Homey when I try to add the “And” step, I don’t get a card option to set a percentage dimmer for the Shower Light. Also, as I understand it the “then” step should effect the Bath light, not the shower light. Working with what you gave me I put this together. Have not tested it yet. Thoughts?

Also there is the other Flow for the bath light that is for non shower times, do I need to have a way to suspend that flow for the period of time this flow runs? If so how?

You can not use the “All” card for multiple triggers (When card).
Each trigger will start a copy of you flow, so they will never be true in the same flow.
Change to

WHEN “The motion alarm turned on” AND the dimmer value for “Shower light” is greater than 33% THEN dim to 35%

Use the tag for the “Shower light” to retrieve the value.

I will try that, thank you !