Lifx delay

But using LIFX scenes is only possible with the cloud based Homey app which has a huge delay. The delay is too much when using wall switches to turn on the lights or activate scenes.

… this is because the Homey app uses the LIFX Cloud to turn on/off the devices, whereas the LIFX app uses the local network protocols on your home network to turn on/off the lights…

That’s not entirely correct I am afraid … I have separate, isolated VLAN for my HA devices, and I am controlling my LIFx lights from a different VLAN and still they turn on and off almost immediately - the only latency is due to the control request having to go to US cloud and then the off command travelling back to the bulb - 80ms between UK and US in ideal conditions, plus whatever cloud processing adds to it - around 120ms in real life scenario. If you add the latency between the app / homey and the Athom cloud, that’s all that it should take to turn the light on or off. There is much to be improved in the Athom LIFx app, try for example turning the light off and then immediately turn it on from the Athom app and you will see that it takes much longer (up to 10 seconds at worst) for the light to turn back on. Let’s hope it will be sorted in the near future, as this is a real PITA at the moment.

No delay at all when I’m using this (see previous posts) :slight_smile:

I have also switched to the old local app with no delay. BUT seems like there is a problem with the dim function? It random changes the color to cold white and then after a few clicks up/down it’s back to my warm white.

Anyone else have this issue?

Yes it’s a known issue. That’s another reason why I use Lifx’s scenes: no problem with dim, color, brightness,…

The problem with LAN version of LIFx control is (apart from the change of colour temperature) the fact that you cannot control duration (let’s say slowly dimming the cinema room lights for 10 seconds when Kodi starts playing). Problem with using LIFx cloud scenes is the same as using LIFx cloud implementation in Homey - random delay between 2 and 10 (!) seconds between the flow being triggered and the LIFx scene “kicking in”.
Until Athom pulls their finger out, and solves this annoying issue, my solution is to use LIFx API directly from the Better Logic JSON PUT card to call the LIFx scene - a bit tedious to configure - but NO MORE DELAYS !

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If people make PR’s on my GH, I’m more then willing to take these. If the app improves, I’ll submit it to the appstore.

I am currently reinventing the LIFX LAN Driver app with the new SDK. If anyone is interrested I can provide a test version in few weeks, maybe sooner

I would be interested :slight_smile: tadaa!

Yes what a great news :heart_eyes: thank You !!

I’ve a problem when I try to install the app:

(I’ve tried another app to test (lifx) and it install without problem)

That’s weird. Well, from app developer side we have no influence on this. Can you try again in a while? The problem might be with the app store itself.

just checked. The app already has a few installs. So I’d say just try again

I was at work when I get the warning message but when I checked my installed apps Lifx (lan) was part of them and it works like a charm now :heart_eyes: thank you for your work !

Glad to hear. Thanks for the feedback :smiley:

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I’ve changed the solution of this conversation :slight_smile:

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