I have several spots in my kitchen wich i put on and off thru a fibaro multisensor and a klik aan?uit AWMR23 and also dim. If i walk in the light goes on and shuts off after 10 min. due to the delay set in the off card.
Now when my wife is busy in the kitchen for more than 10 min it goes of again. Now i need something that repeats the flow again when the sensor is triggerd within those 10 mins. Does anybody nows how to do this?
2 and 3 can be combined. And it’s motion alarm, not sabotage alarm.
Rest looking good. Maybe, for just testing, delete the middle card in the first flow.
Ahhh stupid me , again made this mistake sabotage instead of motion grrr.
Oke changed this and reversed the middle card just for testing. Set the time back to 30 secs to test. Gues what! It works perfectly.
This can be achieved with only two Flows and no Countdown Timer required. I have been running this for a few weeks in my laundry and it has yet to fail (the light stays on when required for as long a someone is in the laundry and turns off soon after).
To achieve this without the Countdown Timer, we simply need to adjust one setting in the Z-Wave MultiSensor…
Adjust the Motion Alarm Cancellation setting to how long you would like the light to turn off since motion was last detected.
Note: The image above shows the settings for the Aeotec MultiSensor 6 - This setting is also available for the Fibaro Motion Sensor - however at the time of writing this there is a known issue saving setting changes with this module (I have been assured this will be addressed in V2 release).
The two Flows are then very simple…
One to turn on the light (for me, only if the Lux is below a certain threshold - so it does not turn on when it isn’t needed)…