Keep info in card when device is missing

Hi Homeys!

This might be “impossible” to achieve but I thought I’d present the issue anyway.

As it is now if a device is deleted or gone for some other reason the cards regarding this device grays out with the text “Card unavailable”. All the parameters are gone and even what device the card was connected to is missing. This means that if one deletes a device for some reason and forget that the device is used in a flow it can be really hard to know what device it was and what parameters were set to it when you open up the flow chart.

Here is an example from my pool pump automation flow. (Sorry or the poor resolution…I had to zoom out in my browser to fit the whole flow to screen dump it.)

After this screen dump I had to change the battery in the “Pooltemp” 433 MHz sensor which uses a new channel when batteries are changed.

This is the result. Four cards are grayed out and there is no information at all what device the card was for and no information what parameters were set.

It would be really nice if that information was still there so you just have to click replace device and find the one that has been changed and, in my example, the temperature parameter would still be there…ready to “attach” to the new sensor. There could be a symbol that indicates that the device is no longer in the system…maybe a red exclamation mark like in the list of flows when there is something wrong with a flow?


There is a script to replace the old device ID by a new device ID
@Peter_Kawa knows where to find it :+1:

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That would be really helpful! :+1:

Have a look at this:

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I see you found it as well :wink::grin:

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And if you just want to know which parameters were used, you can use HomeyScript to see the flowcards:

let flows = await Homey.flow.getAdvancedFlows();
return _.find(flows,flow=>'Test Advanced Triggers');

Than you all for your suggestions! I will try to test them out and see if I can get my head around them. I have not yet dived in to Homey scripts…so it’s still uncharted territory for me. :blush: