Json, webhook, http, get, put, post, path, HELP!


I want to obtain weather data from http://weerlive.nl/ by using their API in order to control sunscreens.

I woud be very happy if someone could help me in for example:
Receiving every 10 minutes the current temperature from http://weerlive.nl/api/json-data-10min.php?key= c9bdfc86a0&locatie=Amsterdam.
I already obtained a API-key.

I prefer to minize the amount of apps installed on my Homey. So far I have for example been able to use the build in Logic functions eliminating the need for the Better Logic app. I installed however HTTP request flowcharts app since I feel I can’t avoid that.

Thanks for any help in the right direction.

Can you post the data that is returned, and what exactly you want to extract? (please use the </> button to format the returned data, makes it easier to read)

Well, I even don’t manage to properly prepare a HTTP kind of flow in order to return anything :kissing_closed_eyes:
I am able to make many kinds of flows but the problem is that all these web exchange protocols are hard to understand for me.
If I may ask for any assistance in retrieving anything from this data: http://weerlive.nl/delen.php#tab2
from this API:

You can open the URL in a regular browser, can’t you?

Yes I can :wink: I am quite familiar on PC/Mac’s but not so familiar with web protocols

So open the URL in a regular browser and post the result here so we can take a look at it…

Sorry for my ignorance but I have no idea of which URL I could provide, else than the URL’s given already,

I’m getting “Vraag eerst een API-key op, zie Weer API KNMI live en verwachtingen | Het Weer in Nederland - Weerlive.nl when I open that URL.

Robert bedoeld dat je de url moet openen in je favoriete browser en dan hier het resultaat moet posten. Dus ga naar de url, kopieer wat je ziet in je browser en plak dat hier .
Excuse my French.

Aha, I believe I start to understand the reason of your request. When I open the URL this is the output:

{ “liveweer”: [{“plaats”: “Amsterdam”, “temp”: “22.6”, “gtemp”: “22.1”, “samenv”: “Geheel bewolkt”, “lv”: “82”, “windr”: “NO”, “windms”: “2”, “winds”: “2”, “windk”: “3.9”, “windkmh”: “7.2”, “luchtd”: “1014.0”, “ldmmhg”: “761”, “dauwp”: “19”, “zicht”: “11”, “verw”: "Perioden met zon en enkele (onweers)buien. Morgen meer onweersbuien ", “sup”: “06:23”, “sunder”: “21:06”, “image”: “wolkennacht”, “d0weer”: “halfbewolkt”, “d0tmax”: “28”, “d0tmin”: “19”, “d0windk”: “2”, “d0windknp”: “4”, “d0windms”: “2”, “d0windkmh”: “7”, “d0windr”: “ZO”, “d0neerslag”: “4”, “d0zon”: “35”, “d1weer”: “halfbewolkt_regen”, “d1tmax”: “30”, “d1tmin”: “17”, “d1windk”: “2”, “d1windknp”: “4”, “d1windms”: “2”, “d1windkmh”: “7”, “d1windr”: “O”, “d1neerslag”: “60”, “d1zon”: “50”, “d2weer”: “halfbewolkt_regen”, “d2tmax”: “24”, “d2tmin”: “18”, “d2windk”: “2”, “d2windknp”: “6”, “d2windms”: “3”, “d2windkmh”: “11”, “d2windr”: “ZW”, “d2neerslag”: “70”, “d2zon”: “30”, “alarm”: “0”}]}

In the first line the ‘temp’ as well as ‘gtemp’ in Amsterdam is provided. How should a flow look like in order to harvest those two figures, say every 10 minutes, into Homey? As soon as I know this, I have a template flow

You can find some info in Dutch here;

Thanks Marcel, this is very helpful information.