Issues lately, anyone else?

You are a wise man :sweat_smile: and probably the wife has something to do with that :crazy_face:
But… imho working from home should be done with devices using LAN when possible, not WLAN (or have LAN connection available as backup connection :slightly_smiling_face: ).

I use 433MHz gear for 20y or more, and for 3y now with Homey in the mix, and it never switched on or off by itself :hugs:
But, nothing is impossible (I have learned :grin:)

Yup, solar activity can mess things up, but then indeed you can’t be the only one affected in your area.

I have added log cards to most of my flows. This way I can check if a flow was involved around the time of the ghost activity.
Another way is to check the device log:

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