Invisible flow > still working

Back in the day when I had the original Homey, I created a simple flow with the app ‘Buienradar’ and Sonos; if it will rain, then give me a spoken message via the Sonos speaker that it will rain.

Handy function and works very nice. It migrated automatically to my new Homey Pro 2023. Today I wanted to adjust the flow (other words, time schedule) but I can’t find the flow! Not visible if I look for it in flows, but also not attached as a flow to the different apps. Even tried finding it with the Developer tools API and the function ‘Homey.flow.getFlows();’, but no result. And still, it works.

Anyone an idea about where it could be?

up until now almost 100% was the user the problem :wink:

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This might be useful:

  1. Install Flow Checker
  2. Wait 30 minutes
  3. Disable sonos app. This will break related flows.
    Flow Checker should report the broken flows
  4. When 3.) didn’t help, repeat 3.) but now for Buienradar app
  5. When 4.) didn’t help either, turn off Homey for a while when it’s about to rain, to make sure Homey is controlling Sonos here.

Thanks! I’ll try that, will post results here.

Or just check with your phone in which flows sonos or your wether app is used and check does flows.

Of course, but he did. He wrote

So, I followed your instructions and Flow Checker works great! I found two flows which didn’t work (knew that, but had to fix). Only… My problem remains. Even with disabling Buitenradar it doesn’t detect a misbehaving flow.

So I turned Homey off, and because it’s a rainy day here, Sonos should be saying its message if it wasn’t Homey. However, Homey off: Sonos silent…

It must be within Homey. What would happen if I removed both Sonos and Buienradar apps? And then reinstall it? Would that brake this ghost-flow? And in that case, would that cause problems? Homey resources which are consumed, memory leaks?

OK, so it’s Homey triggering the rain announcement for sure?

Hmm I can only think of a (old)(test)flow with an identical name, but that should pop up in your search results somehow.
Or it can be a flow with just a dot or comma . , as it’s name? This can be quickly overlooked.

That’s a plan.
When the devices dissapear with the uninstall that would break the flows involved.
And when you install the apps and devices again, they’ll have a new ID, and the ‘old’ flows would still be broken.
To be sure nothing remains in memory, I’d unplug Homey for 10 minutes before installing the apps again.

Not that I know of.

So, the Christmas period was used to delete both Sonos and Buienradar and experiment further. That was the solution! Sonos now keeps quiet :slight_smile: Now to create the flow again with new settings…

Thanks for your assistance @Peter_Kawa!

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