Invalid refresh token Android app

When I start the Homey app on my Android tablet, I immediately get an invalid refresh token error message. The app doesn’t do anything after that. The app does work on my Android phone. Anyone have an idea how to fix this?

Contact Athom.

Maybe a Forced Quit and clearing cache helps:

App gestopt en cach leeggemaakt. Geen resultaat.

En wat zei Athom er over?

You can also choose “Clear data” (=“Gegevens wissen”) as in the screenshot of Peter 3 posts above.

If that doesn’t help, you could also delete the app and reinstall it.

Remember that in both cases, you will lose the settings of the app, but hey: now it doesn’t do anything… :frowning:

Otherwise, I’m afraid you’ll really have to consult Athom…

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Maybe in english, please?

Cleared the cache, no result. Next step would be clear all data and reinstall the app again.

I have since 1 week sometimes a similiar problem when I switched between WLAN and mobile data, but not sure if it is related to a “refresh token error”.
Then I wasn’t be able to use the app, but I was still able to receive notifications from Homey.
I wasn’t able to have a deeper look to it, but it was working again with a new logon to my HP23, forced quit and clearing cache was not working for me.

I also saw that my wife’s phone has a newer version of the Homey App then on my phone (, but in the Android playstore is no newer version available.

Clear data(and cache) to start fresh with new login worked for me on a similar(but opposite) problem.

Downside is user Home/away settings needs manual update along with app permissions for location, notification etc.