Hi, I currently build a Homey App for Hörmann garage doors. There is a Homey capability for that, but it only knows open and close, and comes with a poor button UI. The Hörmann doors support up, down, stop actions, so I created a capability with ternary UI component, and an enum type. Unfortunately, all buttons show the circle, instead of up and down arrows. Is there anyone with an idea on how I get the proper icons in? The documentation seems to be incomplete there… Thanks for your help.
Great to see you working on that,
Sorry, can’t answer your question
but I am interested in the interface / protocol you use between Homey and Hörmann
I mainly made this GitHub - Gifford47/HCPBridgeMqtt: Emulates Hörmann UAP1-HCP board using an ESP32 and a RS485 converter, and exposes garage door controls over web page and MQTT. work on a small Wemos S3 MINI ESP32 chip, and pushed all this into the engine housing. My app will use the MQTT commands available to control the door. It is generally working already.
This project is really great. The protocal was reverse engineered, seems to run Modbus on RS485. There seems to be a variant for the v1 protocol in the Series 3 as well.
ok, I mainly managed to resolve this myself: The enum values must have IDs “up”, “stop” and “down”. Then the Icons are correct… maybe this should be added to the documentation…