I’m working on supporting the Danfoss Icon in combination with the Danfoss Zigbee module. Via this thread I’d like to share updates on the development.
Devices that will initially be supported
Homey Pro - I’m not sure what the compatibility is with older Homey devices Danfoss Icon - But every unit that has an app port should be supported Danfoss Zigbee Module Danfoss Wired Thermostat
Implemented the default thermostat user interface provided by Homey, which gives you all the basic features and flow cards you would expect.
Can read thermostat temperature
Can set thermostat temperature
Supports up to 1 thermostat
Currently working on
Supporting the max amount of thermostats, which is theoretically 15 per Icon. But also depends on the number of channels your Icon supports I believe.
Planning to work on
Reading the battery status for the wireless thermostats, which is why that thermostat will be supported later.
Not planning to work on
Cooling, as I currently don’t have a heat pump or the cooling add-on in place in my Icons
As soon as I can support the max amount of devices I will start looking into publishing the app (code refactoring, additional testing, creating icons etc).
Status update
I’m currently stuck at supporting a dynamic amount of thermostats, I explained it here here. Meaning I would need to create separate apps for people that have 1 thermostat, another app if you have 2 thermostats etc. This is not a viable option.
I contacted Homey to see if there is a solution. One of the following things would help me continue developing this app:
Allow to select devices from a list before pairing/after Zigbee pairing
Allow to define a condition in the driver manifest whether a device should be added or not
Allow to delete/remove/destroy sub devices in device.js upon initializing (due to access to zlcNode)
Allow to delete a sub device in the Homey without deleting all other related sub devices
Hi @nckrtl, I’m excited that you’ve picked this up.
I don’t have any experience in programming, but maybe I can help testing?
Do I understand correctly that you’re connecting the Zigbee module directly to the Homey? So the Ally Gateway is not nescessary? If that’s the case, I might loose all my current settings when I try to make the switch to Homey and I would loose the possibility to operate the heating with original Danfoss Ally App.
Correct, with the solution I’m currently working on you won’t need an Ally Gateway. Just a Zigbee module connected your Icon, which talks directly with Homey. This is my personal preference as I won’t have to introduce yet another hardware device and a cloud environment to my setup.
However, as stated in my latest status update I’m currently blocked by Homey’s software limitations to support the Zigbee module nicely it seems. I contacted Homey to see if there is a work-around. If there is no work-around I’ll further investigate implementing a solution that relies on the Ally Gateway and the cloud api.
I’m not too familiar with Homey’s publishing/testing process, but I think other people besides myself can only start testing the app once it’s available in Homey’s app store.
It will make my home much more complete if this will work! The danfoss app is not much worth and have not been updated in over two years. So a homey integration is very much apreciated!
I will follow closely
Received a response from homey, as my question was developer related they can’t help me. They are referring to this forum and slack. So the Zigbee integration is a dead end for now I’m afraid.
I will continue working on the homey app by integrating the Danfoss Ally Gateway. Will order a Gateway this week and continue development somewhere next week.
Hope it worked out. I have also been looking to be able to control my Danfoss Icon system via Homey, but no one has made an app yet. It’s just a shame that it can’t be done with the Zigbee module.
Let me know if you need any help testing things out, i have both an Ally gateway, Rediator thermostats, Icon2 and Icon1(with Zigbee module) that is not in use.
Thanks. Will keep it in mind. The passed weeks have been busy, so didn’t look too much into the cloud api option yet.
I can control my thermostats with individual api calls outside the homey app. However, I’m facing difficulties to get Oauth flow working with homey as Danfoss doesn’t provide an Oauth sign in flow. It seems that is mandatory with Homey. It’s also not helping that overall documentation of building specific Homey apps pretty limited. It’ll take lots of trial and error and diving into other app’s source code to figure out what’s needed.
It is really nice that you are taking this up. I’ve acquired the new Danfoss Icon2 with master controller and Ally Gateway for a setup of 10 rooms with floor heating. Do you plan on supporting the Icon2?
Hey Christiaan, unfortunately not. Got sidetracked by personal stuff and still need to find a way for Homey users to easily use the Danfoss api. As they don’t seem to support an OAuth login/flow that Homey supports. But it’s definitely on my list to investigate further.
Or when Homey supports removing Zigbee sub devices without removing all other related Zigbee devices will also make it possible to continue development.
their API use a standard Client ID/Secret, flow for requesting an access token dont they ? i guess it would mean each use need to create a Danfoss developer account and creat a set themself and type them into the config for the app in homey.
Also i have been in contact with their support, they say Matter support is coming to the Ally gateway, but i have so far been unable to get a confirmation on what products and features they will exposed though Matter
I’ve noticed that the Somfy Tahoma app supports Danfoss Icon through the Danfoss Icon Zigbee module.
Did you look into that alternative already? @nckrtl
Are you still working on the app? Any luck so far?
A few weeks ago the Ally received a firmware update. I haven’t seen what the changes are, so maybe it’s nothing, but maybe there’s something you can use?
I haven’t tested the Somfy Tahoma app yet, since I prefer to keep the Ally Gateway in place. That way I can keep using the official app aside from the Homey if something stops working in the latter.
Did anyone else try this? Is it working as expected? Is it stable? Do you have multiple thermometers or just one? Can you share some screenshots of the possibilities you have within the Homey Pro?
I did test the Tahoma app this week, but it asks for a Tahoma account and I don’t have one. I assume that it will look for the Tahoma device further on and I don’t have that one either.
So the Tahoma option doesn’t work for all of us.
The preferred solution still is adding support for the Icon in the official Danfoss Ally app or a dedicated app for the Danfoss Icon, either through the Ally Gateway or by connecting directly to the Icon Zigbee module.
I’m also interested in added support for Danfoss Icon.
In my setup I have everything, but still can’t get it to work. When I write everything, I mean that I have both the Ally Gateway and also bought the Somfy Tahoma switch as it states it supports Danfoss. Today I found out that apparently it’s Icon1 that is supported by Somfy and I have Icon2. So that looks like a dead end.
I am able to connect the thermostats to Somfy via Zigbee, but that is looses connection to the controller and by that, the function of turning heating on/off in the room.
Kinda frustrating.
But let me know if you need help testing anything. As I said, I have everything. But for now, I’ve only managed to connect it to Google Home, for from there, I can’t get it to Homey.