Icon repository of default icons already in the app


Is there a repository for icons, like the default voltage symbol? Some of our custom values could just use the default voltage icon for example. Where can we find the lighting bolt icon for example?

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I was wondering the same…do I have to upload and define every icon as asset, even I know those are standard ones ?

If you are using custom capabiities, then yes, you have to provide a svg as asset and defined in capability definition.
Just copy the original svg from WebApp/developer console and store as svg :grin::man_shrugging:

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I agree, that it would be very valuable to all developers so that we can create high quality content for homey - and not just partners, :frowning:

In the mean time, over the years I have pulled together some of the offical icons, hit me up and ill see if I have what you need but Ronnys suggestion also works.



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Good point, I’ll bring this up internally. Would be nice for community developers to access the official icons as well :thinking:


To dream big - a global icon store, with WWID :innocent:

You mean Material Design Icons - Icon Library - Pictogrammers? If only Athom with integrate this…
Homey’s own icons are ugly and very limited. En svg is not a very attractive method :wink:

Here are the new upcoming icons

(sorry, couldn’t resist :blush: :crazy_face: )