Hue dimmer switch flows

Hi, I can’t make a flow where I dim my hue dimmer switch the light with the push buttons (dim+/ dim-). can someone help me make such a flow? I have linked the Homey Pro and all lamps and dimmer switches and classified by living zone. on and off works well. Greetings Michel

I would create a number-variable ‘dimlevel’ and add 0.05 (=5%) when button+ is pressed.

When the variable is changed dim the light(s) to this new dimlevel.

(Most of the times a percentage is written as 0.50. Sometimes you should write 50(%))

Hi, made this flow but doesn’t work. can you see what I do wrong?
When you make the number variable, what value must it have? I made one with value 0

I think you are using ‘dim niveau’ of a light itself.

You should be using the logic variable:

The bottom one is the one I have created

tested with other dimmer and it workt! thnx