[HowTo][Modding] Homey Pro (Early 2023) - Resize user Partition on eMMC

Pff, after a lot off issues here, I’ve found a way that was working for me and way easier!

  1. Take a simple (old?) raspberry pi or install it by a virtual machine.

  2. Open the terminal

  3. Run this command: “sudo apt install gparted”

  4. Connect homey with the reset button pressed

  5. Open Gparted (in start menu or by Remote Desktop)

  6. Use the graphical user interface to Extend the partition and confirm (takes around 30 sec)

  7. Resize the user partition (just a bar that you can move to ‘the right / end’

  8. Confirm (takes some minutes)

All is visual, partitions are clear and named. Mounting and unmounting is done for you and ready in some mutes.

Maybe that this can help somebody? Many thanks @Dijker and other to make possible!!!

More info: How To Install & Use Gparted On Raspberry Pi (Partition editor) – RaspberryTips

You have to mount it as something similar like eMMC.
If I remember correctly I had three choices how to connect the homey in raspberry desktop.

Name of the device changed than to compute.

Read it
Perfect you was able to find another way;-)

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Yes, I have mounted it and choose the option ‘eMMC’. But unmounting and resizing was now done in some minutes. For me a GUI is more clear what and how to do it (but of course says more about my low experience with the terminal than that is is complex in the terminal :see_no_evil:)

Hmm. Making an USB backup still freeze around 95%. @Dijker is making a USB backup for you working without any issues (complete to 100%)?

Ordered one from Farnell anyway about a month ago, and just got a notification it will arrive tomorrow. It still shows 2024 on the website, but apparently, they will have some stock (or I’m just lucky) :+1:

Also note, pricing at Farnell is excluding VAT (BTW).


I’ve modded my Homey Pro with the CM4108032, and I used the method outlined in this thread to resize the user partition to utilize the extra space.

Then I tried doing a factory reset (USB tool) and setting it up again, and I chose to restore the latest online backup I had (taken after the mod with a larger partition).

This appeared to work, however Homey now reported the original storage capacity, so it seems that the factory reset unfortunately also restored the original partition size. Not all that surprising, but it seems to be different to what you observed. I don’t think I did anything wrong, so it is odd that you were able to factory reset and keep the extra storage while I did not.

I am currently trying to restore a complete backup (USB tool) that I took after the partition had been resized, and I expect that will restore it without me having to repartition again.

As a side note, I had Sysinternals installed all along, and after the factory reset and restore from online backup, that still reported the old storage size. Probably had the old values cached or something.

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Thanks for the info and you are completely right. The first time I tried it (i still do not understand why) my homey stays on the 32gb storage after restore.
At the moment:
-restore and cloud backup set it back to original size. (I think that this is better. It means also a ‘real’ restore to factory settings/partitions)
-USB backup keeps all settings/firmware and partitions as it was when making the backup.

Arre you sure that the cloud backup restore makes changes to the partitions? I doubt that, I think it happens in the factory reset process. Remember, the cloud back I restored was from a backup taken after the partition had been resized.

As I haven’t yet started using this Homey, I might redo the factory reset, and then resizing the partition before taking a new complete backup (USB tool), so that I can use that instead of factory reset should I want to clear my Homey.

Yes, I think you are right. I think that when restoring factory settings homey is downloading an image and is writing that image to the flash. So also resizing the partitions back to the factory size. As far as I know, restoring a cloud backup is only possible after a factory reset.
An USB restore keeps the ‘adjusted’ partition size.

I just checked, and I can confirm that it is indeed the factory reset that causes the partition size to go back to the original. I think you are right that it probably downloads and applies a complete image, where the partition sizes are of course suited for the original CM4.

Another tip is that if using a VM (like the Raspberry PI desktop) it is easier to just install GParted and use that to resize. The first time I used the command line, the second time (just now) I used GParted. Much quicker and less error-prone (at least for beginners).

Now I will do a new full USB tool backup of the clean Homey (with corrected partition sizes), so I can use that to get back to a factory reset without having to resize the partition again.

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Nice and thanks for the update!

Ps. GParted is indeed way easier! ([HowTo] Homey Pro (Early 2023) - Resize user Partition on eMMC - #41 by Ranney)

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Finally, prices have fallen for the CM4 and got one myself for just under 100Euros.

Thanks a lot @Dijker and @Ranney for the spoon feeding instructions, it worked from the first shot.

For those with a Mac, I’ve downloaded the Raspberry Pi Desktop, then created a bootable USB using balenaEtcher, hold down Option while start the Mac, choose boot from EFI and be patient for the install. It does not messes up with your MacOS.
Once done, I followed Ranney’s steps on post #41 above. Super simple using the graphics, it took 1second to extend the partition and 1 minute to resize the user partition.

Have fun!


question for me, I have everything at home for the cm4 change. and I understand what I need to do but do I need to resize the partition first and than put the backup back? or do I need to restore my back up and then resize/extend my partition? maybe it can be both ways but Idk

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Good morning!

Good question. When restoring homey, the default partition sizes will be restored. So, at any moment AFTER a factory reset you can adjust the partition size.
(Swap CM4, factory reset and then you can resize. Or restore the backup, use it and when you have time, resize the partition then)

Important note; a USB backup is different. Then you have to resize the partition AFTER the restore.

Note. It is nice to resize the partition. But I cannot give any reason why. Homey is simply not using / don’t need more flash.

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A good reason is because we can :muscle: or when u get a warning on the timeline that ur Homey’s low on memory like I got few days ago

Flash is storage and is not the warning on the timeline about memory (RAM)…

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Bah! Thanks. Then only reason because we can.

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8 posts were split to a new topic: [Modding][OT] Replacing a eMMC chip on a CM4 module

With one caveat: If the USB backup you restore was taken after resizing, then you don’t need to resize again after the restore. The USB backup contains the partitions and their sizes.

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That is correct. I see now that my info is not complete. I wrote the info for the specific situation. Thanks for the correction!


  1. If you factory reset your homey, it is always restored to the default partition size
  2. If you restore from the cloud, the current partition is not adjusted. (So you can factory reset → adjust partitions → restore cloud backup). But a cloud restore is only possible after a factory reset. So keep this in mind.
  3. If you restore from USB, the partition table
    From the backup will be restored