How to start a flow at a spesific time stored in variabel, with built in functions (Solution - Check every 60 minutes)

I am also running into the need for this, but I think I know what the problem is. How the hell are you going to run a trigger if parameters are required for it? Homey would have to evaluate all those parameters (and their dependencies!) internally somehow before it can evaluate the trigger? Just doesn’t fly. A longer offset in the sun event cards would be helpful (as would fixing checks that cross into the next or previous day - another topic), but it would not fix my issue because you can’t put a variable in the timing of a time-based when trigger card. Unless I am mistaken about the above?
I kind of agree I would definitely prefer more flexibility and have better control of a gradual seasonal change of lights and shutters. I got the needed seasonal curves worked out and all - people may not understand the need, but I want my house to feel alive and breathing with nature. But I expect I am going to have to do something similar as above - build a season based schedule every new day from my values, and then check periodically against the schedule to trigger. Cannot put a variable in the time when card trigger. Don’t like it though.