How to start a flow at a spesific time stored in variabel, with built in functions (Solution - Check every 60 minutes)

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I am also running into the need for this, but I think I know what the problem is. How the hell are you going to run a trigger if parameters are required for it? Homey would have to evaluate all those parameters (and their dependencies!) internally somehow before it can evaluate the trigger? Just doesn’t fly. A longer offset in the sun event cards would be helpful (as would fixing checks that cross into the next or previous day - another topic), but it would not fix my issue because you can’t put a variable in the timing of a time-based when trigger card. Unless I am mistaken about the above?
I kind of agree I would definitely prefer more flexibility and have better control of a gradual seasonal change of lights and shutters. I got the needed seasonal curves worked out and all - people may not understand the need, but I want my house to feel alive and breathing with nature. But I expect I am going to have to do something similar as above - build a season based schedule every new day from my values, and then check periodically against the schedule to trigger. Cannot put a variable in the time when card trigger. Don’t like it though.

What you are searching for is not a parameter to change the scheduled time of a flow after the flow has been sceduled, but a way to calculate the time the flow shall be sceduled and to use that calculated time when scheduling the flow. So the scedular, running many times per second, has not to calculate the sceduled time, but just to compare the system time with a fixed time.
Using command prompts it looks like:
Set sceduledtime = 23:45
Start job “name”, $sceduled time
So I think Athom shall be able to introduce this for flows also.
It seems they already did something similar with “WHEN alarm goes of in #tag minutes”, however it seems to only works with fixed numbers and not with a pre defined value.
When this card would work, you could calculate once a day the minutes before some alarm time a flow should run.

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Thanks for that confirmation!