Winter / summer hour

Hi everybody,

Lots of my flows need to use the GMT hour instead of the current time, because of the winter / summer changing time. Example : “When time is 12:00” cards should become “When time is 11:00” because of the winter time.

Is there an easy way to do this ? Maybe using Better Logic but it looks like not so easy …

PS : I guess Sun Events app is not fine for this because when can only define sun events based on sunrise or sunset and this is not my need

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I am curious what needs to be scheduled according to a Non DST Time,

As far as I know everything in the user interface of Homey is related to the Local time (with DST if applicable). So you probably need to schedule everything 2x.

With a simple Flow you fe can set a Variable if DST applies. and let the first of second schedule continue (or a Wintertime Scheduled Flow Delay one hour. )

Basic Homey without extra Apps:


everything depending on your Location of course: for France:
Source: Heure d'été — Wikipédia

Pour l’Europe, la période s’étend du dernier dimanche de mars au dernier dimanche d’ octobre

Dijker, thanks for this solution that seems to be really simple to do :slight_smile: Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I am curious what needs to be scheduled according to a Non DST Time,

Summer : When it’s 14:00 Then “lower some shutters” to 50% to protect some things from the sun ^^
Winter : When it’s 13:00 Then “lower some shutters” to 50% to protect some things from the sun ^^

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Sun Events has lots of events.

And in the settings you can even create your own events based on angle of sun



Is there a way to define such a trigger : “Solar noon” minus 10° ? It looks like no but maybe I’m wrong …

An all around solution is already designed and almost finished in the Better Logic (Library) app.

You can easy use
Azimuth verandering ( Azimuth changed ) and the Azimuth = xx

Thanks JPe :slight_smile: I did not know there was such an Azimuth card ^^