How to send a command using MQTT client

Hello All,

I don’t know how to send a MQTT command to my NibePi. (Haal meer uit je NIBE warmtepomp met nibepi - Duurzame energie en installaties - GoT)

What I want to do is to set a temperature on topic of Nibe\modbus\47393\set

Via MQTT explorer I’m able to do so, so technically it could work.

However if I create the following flow it does not seem to work.

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance
Excuses in advance, maybe there are already topics adressing similair issues, sorry for my lack of knowledge :wink:

pls try to keep the topics centralized, by using the dedicated app topics. You’ll find the links at the store app pages.

for MQTT Client is no dedicated app topic as it appears…

Hello Huub,

Hmmm seems OK.
Are you sure the target temp value tag you use has max. 1 digit? I mean, a value with more digits might be ignored by nibe modbus. Just a brainfart.

I’d say always first test the card with a manually entered value, instead of a tag…
Or add a round function
{{ round ([ingestelde temperatuur] ,1) }}

Also, be careful with writing Nibe instead of nibe, which are two different things outside the world of MS Windows.
But no problem, in your MQTT client card’s screenshot it’s written correctly.

I send the command to 47393 instead of 47398. It works now. Thanks for your help.
Not my sharpest moment I would say

Ah! Missed on that one as well :grimacing::wink: