[HOW TO] Prepare and use NFC stickers to start a flow

I was in a trial period with MacroDroid (was unaware of that at the time) and has since uninstalled it. Am currently using NFC tools to write the URL to the NFC tags.

In short I write the following URL by selecting Write > URL / URI >
…using: http://<Homey-LAN-IP>/api/manager/logic/webhook/<kword>

Remember: Substitute Homey-LAN-IP with Homey’s IP on your LAN and kword/keyword with the ones you want to look out for in flows. E.g.: livingroom_music

Homey: Look out for the keyword like this:

Pro: Everyone can read and fire off the http requests
Con: As others alude to, a new browser window with the return value “ok” pops up every time a tag is read. A small price to pay, but if anyone knows of a way to circumvent this, I want to know!!! :+1:

Tested & worx on Android. Currently testing reading with IPhone…