Hi everyone,
I am slowly but surely getting my house all connected with Homey, but one thing I seem to keep having a hard time grasping is how to handle different scenes.
An example of something I used before Homey, was the scenes in Hue. I would have a different scene for day and night time, and would have my motion sensors trigger them depending on time of day. So that during the day, my lights would turn up with normal brightness and whiteish color, and after say 22:30 when everyone is a sleep, they would only turn on at 5% brightness and a warm color.
I have not figured out how to use Homey for anything like this, as it seems Homey is much more “one thing at a time” based. So I would need to make a flow that first turns on, then sets color, then sets brightness, as these values cannot be changed when a bulb is on it seems.
It is especially a problem for me with my Logic ZHC5010s, where I have 4 of these in my kitchen-dining area, that I want to all be in sync, and have buttons 1 through 4 change between 4 preset scenes for different situations in our daily life. Having to push too many actions for these kills my Z-wave network completely, and does not work as intended.
Anyone have some good tips?
Depends on how you have decided to group your functions/flows/rooms etc it can be done in many ways.
Make 1 variable, for Day (1=day/0=night).
Make 2 flows, 1 that triggers say 07.00,That sets the variable to true.
The second one triggers at 22.30 and resets the variable.
U can also make this with 1 flow and use the ELSE card and a cyclic trigger for WHEN. Anyhow
Use that as a AND-condition to control your flows wich controls the dimmable lights.
Those should trigger on motion, and you set your dimming values for day and night with the ELSE condition under THEN .
So WHEN motion is detected AND Day_Variable is true THEN set 100%,
ELSE set dim to 5%.
The 5% (else card) will be executed when motion is detected and day varible is NOT true.
And for the Hue scenes u can just use a flow like this:
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I am running Hue off the zigbee app now, so that I have mesh for all my battery powered sensors. So unfortunately cannot 
To be honest I haven’t done much grouping yet. I created all the rooms and moved the devices to their corresponding room, that is pretty much it for now.
The flow logic you explain makes a lot of sense, I will try to recreate something like that. However what I still fail to understand is how to “store” preset dim values and color/temperature in lights, as well as radio channel/volume on speakers and so on, so that when they turn on during a given scene, they are in that mode.
With your way, I can see how I could set values for the devices, but as far as I can see, they would still initially turn on at the previous mode, and then change, which is unideal, especially on night modes.
Did I miss something regarding that?
Regarding dim values, once u sent them from your homey (or other controler) to the device, it should stay valid even if you unplugg homey. What you send, is simply put, a message containing a setpoint to a specified node (device).
If we talking zigbee/433/zwave protocol.
If its not working like that, you need to check the settings (and/or manual) for your specific devices.
It works at it should at my end. I have dim’s on Zwave and zigbee.
Hmm that doesn’t seem to be how Hue behaves
when I use “Dim to” they turn on at that given dim level. If I set a temp/color before turning them on, they do not react on that and just turn on at the color they previously had.
Could be shortcomings in the Hue Zigbee app that could be improved?
Ye guessing its the app that makes some iffy stuff.
When i send Dim value XX, it starts the light and dims to that value. Then its like that until i do something else. Both the ikea zigbee bulb and my Zwave dim modules behave like that (as they should).
On all dim modules/bulbs, i’ve set to remember last value as startup value (device settings). So when i manual turn them on (local wall switch)it goes to the last value recieved.
If you also have Homekit, you could create a Virtual Device in Homey and with Homekit support for Homey this Virtual Device is also paired to Homekit.
In Homekit you can now create scenes for certain parts of the day. For example “happy Hour” that should start at 17:00 hour.
Now create in Homey, a Virtual device named Happy Hour.
On the Homey side, also create a flow that at 17:00 turns on the VD “happy hour”
On the Homekit side create an automation that selects the scene “happy hour” whenever the paired VD “happy hour” is switched on.
This works great, as in Homekit it is very easy to adjust the various scenes on the fly.