How to detect a toilet flush with Homey?

What about using some water flow meter for the bowl’s inlet, e.g. like

And perhaps to combine it with some ESP (e.g. Sonoff with Tasmota)

Make your light switch and light smart. Start a flow when the light is switched on. After switching the light of wait 5 seconds (open and close the door) then let the flow start the Rituals Genie.

Just use a door sensor (with a magnet) and mount it in the flushing bin. When the float device is up again it closes the door sensor?

I/We don’t understand you! In English please.


I suggested that he should use a SonOff mini R2 relay with a micro switch attached to it like a toggle switch and to stick the micro switch in inside of a rubber glove finger and close it off with zip ties, and that he might have to firmware update the SonOff mini with Tasmods if the Homey Pro wouldn’t find the SonOff by it self.

Sorry for not writing I English.

Have a nice weekend :wink:



Why not just a motion sensor?

Interesting, :poop: seems to be a really important topic… :joy:

(Just joking, am interested myself… :wink:)

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I also have a doorsensor in the flushing plates, but only on the big button because they smell :nose:.
With the doorsensor I trigger the ventilator for 5 minutes.

The sensor is easy to maintain, stays dry and is invisable. Installed it in less than 5 minutes.

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But pressing a flush button already triggers the flow, and its automatic, why do you want homey for that? :wink:

Or use a Fibaro The Button Panic button, remote home control - The Button | FIBARO
Put a sign “When you had your relief, push here when leaving the toilet” :grinning:

You can even use the button for other things. ex.

Press 1x : lights on
Press 2x : lights off
Press 3x : spray aroma
Press 4x : Send a message through your speakers “Help, there’s no more toilet paper!” …

Hahaha, have this already… :joy:


Fantastic!! :sweat_smile:

AI edgeimpuls on an Arduino with mic, problem solved no switches in the toilet.

There are a few options that you could consider to detect when a flush in the toilet has been issued:

  1. Motion Sensor: You could use a motion sensor to detect movement in the bathroom when someone enters and exits. When someone exits the bathroom, it would trigger the flow you want. However, this would not be a foolproof method as people may enter the bathroom without using the toilet.
  2. Smart Toilet: You could consider installing a smart toilet that has a built-in motion sensor or some other detection mechanism that would trigger the flush automatically.
  3. Pressure Sensor: You could install a pressure sensor under the toilet seat that would detect when someone is sitting on the toilet and trigger the flow when they stand up. However, this would require some wiring and installation work.
  4. Smart Flush Valve: You could consider replacing your existing flush valve with a smart flush valve that can be controlled by Homey. These devices can detect when the toilet is flushed and send a signal to Homey to trigger the flow.

These are just a few options to consider. Ultimately, the best solution for you will depend on your specific needs and budget.