How to check if a device is still online in any Homey network


I have experienced that some devices (Tuya Cloud or Wifi) are not showing that they are not connected anymore. No red flags, they just doesn’t work.

This has even occurred for some Zigbee devices. They look the same until you go into the tile and there is a message, “device offline” or “device disconnected”.

Would be nice to run a script or an advanced flow that sent some kind of ping or listened to any life signal from any device and bringing back a report. Or a tile that imorts all the devices and has a switch or a led that tells if the device is communicating or not.

I made this flow for these kind of issues.
You can import and use it:

Install Device Capabilities app
Go to app config
Hit ‘Templates’
Hit “(Updated) Sensors Connection Check.”

For further howto: hit “How to import an Exchanger file”

Thank you!

This script I already have and that is very helpful!

But for example, I have 5 heating ovens on WIfi were suddenly two of them were disconnected. Didn’t get any indication of it until I had to check for myself.

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Ah I see! This script can’t check if a Wifi signal is actually received by the Heater units.
To check the status of WiFi devices on your network, I recommend the NetScan app.

It is pretty straight forward, enter the IP and check intervals. The device alarms when the IP is unreachable. You can use that in flows etc.

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Will try this out as soon as I have my new Homey stable!

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