Got my homey pro two weeks ago and so far I’m loving it and its possibilities.
This may be a stupid question but anyways:
How long does “And” wait for trigger after “When” in a flow?
"WHEN my car comes home
AND my door sensor is open
THEN turn on lights"
Will it wait forever or is there a “timeout” if the AND does not happen after a while?
If it waits forever then as long as my car is home the “AND” will be the trigger?
“And” doesn’t wait at all.
If a flow is triggered the conditions (And) are checked immediately. If the conditions are met, the flow continues.
So your flow won’t work unless the door is already open when you get home.
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The AND condition is tested immediatly after the WHEN triggers.
So depending in what lights you want on you could:
When… the door is opened
And… car is home
Then… turn lights on.
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Ah that makes sense.
So how should i make my example work?, is this where the “Chronograph” app comes in?
@OH2TH Just told me how, thanks!
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Sometimes the solution is simple 
I have made it with chronograph and variables: