I’m trying to develop my first Homey app. I have manged to add an alarm that goes off at a certain event. I’d like the user to be able to reset the alarm. The alarm is currently added as such:
"type": "boolean",
"title": { "en": "Filter change needed" },
"getable": true,
"setable": true,
"uiComponent": "sensor",
"uiQuickAction": "true",
"icon": "/assets/icon.svg",
"insights": true,
"insightsTitleTrue": { "en": "Filter change needed" },
"insightsTitleFalse": { "en": "Filter OK" }
I have managed to find the capability uiQuickAction (Capabilities | Homey Apps SDK), but I can’t seem to find any documentation on how to use it? I.e. where is the user supposed to click to activate it? And where do I put the code to be executed on that quick action?
Thanks to anyone that cares to help a beginner…